Friday, January 27, 2017


Hello Everyone,

Plan to keep this short and sweet.. My name is DD, my knowledge of politics is little to non existing. I'm a mother to two crazy boy's and one furry girl child (Dog). I have been employed the last ten years in various aspects of Healthcare and my degree is in HIM. Planning to transfer to a local university, this was a class I felt I could definitely use an expansion of knowledge in given our current events.

So according to the quizzes I'm a: Young Outsider, Plebeian, and only scored a 6/12. I don't really read to much of any of these but the few I have read include
               Political: Washington Monthly, Drudge Report, National Review, Think Progress, Media Matters.
 Main: CNN, Austin Americans Statesman, USA Today, Time, Wall St. Journal.
    Looking forward to learning among you all!