Sunday, April 30, 2017

South Korea vs. Trump

As I was reading different articles about President Trump and South Korea it is quite scary, to think of the possibilities of what the outcome could be. One of the articles that stood out to me is 
  Not that I am saying I agree with this, but I do understand it.  Even after the United Nations has sanctioned them South Korea has been doing whatever they want to do in the regards to the continuation of producing and testing nuclear weapons.   It appears that they are building up their army also. My questions and concerns are to why?  Is it to show the other countries they are ready for war if it is warranted, or is it with the intentions to start one?  With no apparent threat to South Korea, they are threatening the United States and North Korea with this continuing show of force. Trump and his administration felt that we needed to show South Korea that we are prepared.  That their continuing actions are not going unnoticed.  Patience with South Korea has grown thin. Trump has even requested China’s help in convincing South Korea to co-operate with the United States and the other countries and stop making nuclear weapons. 
                South Korea, as well as other countries need to realize and understand that the United States administration is not the same. That they will not just sit by and wait for them to start a war without our retaliation.  Fighting back against terrorism, to protect ourselves and aide other countries. 

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